I hope you will contact me anytime with questions and comments.
Just use the form below, and I'll be happy to help!
So you know, we hate spam, and will never use your email address for anything but to reply to your comments or questions.
Usually, I can return your email with a day or two. But if it has been a week and you haven't heard back from me, you might try adjusting the settings in your email program.
You see, email services are trying to do us a favor. Nobody likes spam, scams and other types of unwanted email. So your service tries to filter through your incoming mail before it makes it to your Inbox. The problem is, they don't always know that you may have requested the very email they are stopping you from seeing.
I hate to admit it, but I just learned about this. I received an email from a stitcher who found that my reply had been routed to her "junk" folder. I am trying not to be insulted. It is, after all, just a computer program.
But to make me feel even worse, I didn't even notice that there were folders in my email program that I didn't put there. And there was mail in them.
For me!
It only came to my attention because I asked my husband about this problem and how to prevent it. Just me, being tech-challenged again.
If you have folders labeled "junk" or "spam" or something similar, check to see if my answer is there. If it is there, and you want to keep this from happening again, either go to your browser and type "how to whitelist email" or copy the following search and paste it into your browser:
You can then look through the results and follow the instructions for your specific email provider. When you do receive my reply, I'd love it you sent a quick "got it" back to me. It helps me sleep at night.
Thanks, and happy stitching!
PS. You can purchase a DMC Color Card similar to the one pictured above. It has the actual floss samples inside, instead of the floss colors being printed. Click here to go to my Amazon Store.