When we first talked about building our own website we had never heard of Site Build It. We naturally thought the best place to look for help would be the internet.
Though that proved to be true, it was also frustrating. So much conflicting information about hosting, search engine optimization, domain name registration, submitting pages to directories... We thought we'd never make sense of it all.
The lure of cheap web hosting was attractive at first. But by the time we added up all the things we would need for a viable, successful site, it amounted to thousands of dollars. Money we didn't have and were unlikely to get.
The sites we saw being built for a song didn't leave their owners singing for long. You see, it's easy to build a website. It's hard to build a web business.
That's where Site Build It comes in. SBI, as it's commonly known, came to our rescue. They take care of the technical part--researching, planning and building a website--and make it manageable.
While Site Build It does all the hard stuff behind the scenes, we concentrate on building pages that deliver the patterns, tips and how-to articles that people search for.
Katherine and I each have our favorite tasks to perform, it's true, but we know that either of us could easily maintain and build this site, using SBI's Action Guide and Block by Block page builder. We don't have to worry about HTML or any other code.
SBI enables us to work together in a viable business that we can do from home, on our own terms and our own schedule. We're finding there is a good reason that people say, "I love SBI!"
Many people dream of starting a small business. Often the very idea of it seems unrealistic. But with Solo Build It and the power of the web, people all over the world are achieving independence for themselves and their families. The results speak for themselves.
We learned that no matter what your background, there is a way to turn your knowledge, your hobby, your passion into a website you'll be proud to own.
Our own "product" is purely free information, yet we earn money every time someone clicks on a Google Ad on our site. We can also earn by becoming affiliates with businesses we respect and trust. Whenever someone follows our link to their store and makes a purchase, we get a commission.
You may not even think you can write. That's okay. Solo Build It coaches you through everything you need to do:
No matter what the subject!
Of course, we can add products to our website if we choose. Solo Build It can help us do that, too. Other sites earn money by making referrals. You can get some ideas by looking at some case studies that show what other SBIers are doing.
Is it hard work? Yes. But it is the best work we've ever loved. Remember, it doesn't feel like work if you're passionate about it. We wake up every day, happy to "go to work!"
If we can do it, you can do it. Give it a try. Solo Build It has a full refund offer.
You'll never have to use it.
Once you see all the tools that are included to help you succeed, you'll be off and running with your own website!
If you've ever thought about starting your own home business, visit Solo Build It. It's the best way to run a web business on your own terms, in your own time.
We're so glad we did! And so are our grandchildren.