What's RSS and How Can it Help?

I started seeing little orange RSS and XML buttons on Web sites a while ago. Finally, I asked my husband, "What's RSS?"

"Really Simple Syndication," he said, "delivered by XML."

I blinked a couple of times. "What's RSS?" I repeated.

Describing the purpose of the tech stuff, attentive guy that he is, he noticed my eyes glazing over. He patiently went into more detail. And after lots of questions, I realized what it meant to me. More importantly, I realized what it would mean to you.

RSS will let you know when we make changes or add pages to better-cross-stitch-patterns.com!

Have you ever anxiously checked a favorite website, only to find out there is nothing new since the last time you checked?

When it's happened to me, I've assumed I was being being a bit too anxious, so I've waited a lot longer before visiting again. Later, I would find out that some really great stuff had been added only a day or two after I checked in!

RSS eliminates all that. Every time something changes, we notify you. You don't even need to give us your email address. "How?" you ask. Read on...

How do you get started? Easy!

Download a free RSS Reader first. (Click here if you do not want to download software.) This is special software that reads the RSS feeds...

Windows -- RssReader

Mac -- NetNewsWire

Once you're set up, here's all you have to do...

Right-click (control-click for Mac users) on any orange RSS button on any site, blog or news source that interests you. Start by right-clicking on the orange button below. Then...

Select Copy Shortcut ("Copy Link to Clipboard" for Mac, "Copy Link Location" for Firefox browsers), and paste that URL into your RSS Reader.

You're done!

You will immediately access content in your reader, and whenever new pages or page changes occur, you will have the information at your fingertips.

What you'll get

Everything that's new at your favorite Web sites!

What you won't get

Spam! Since you don't give out your email address, you won't get any spam or any other communications from the Web site. And you can end the feed at any time.

Right-click and get started.


Don't want to download new software?

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It's absolutely painless. If you already have one of these personalized pages, great! If you don't, check it out. They are an easy way to have news, entertainment, hobby or other interests delivered right to your desktop. All in one page!

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